; 82780760 Supplier Involvement for Value Solutions

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Supplier Involvement for Value Solutions

Top companies continue to focus on supplier innovation to improve bottom-line results and grow revenue. It is important to create an environment of trust and collaboration to engage suppliers. In this course, you will learn how to apply best practices to improve supplier relationships. The course provides access for 60 days from the date of the purchase.

Member Price: $195.00

List Price: $275.00

Product Details

1. "Realize the Impact of Supplier Innovation" Business models are shifting to dependence on suppliers for innovation.

2. "Learn to Use Systems Thinking for Innovation" Simple models can create a prowerful environment.

3. "Understand the Power of Alliances and Partnerships" Suppliers can deliver big results when support exists.

4. "Leverage Early Supplier Involvement for Results" Suppliers can bring solutions early in a product life-cycle.

5. "Comprehend the Benefits of Value Analysis / Value Engineering" VA/VE becomes a mindset to seek improvement throughout product & service life-cycles.

  • CEH Credits
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Terms And Conditions


ISM Promotions: ISM promotions are applicable to registrations where other promotions and discounts have not been applied. Any promotion that contains a deliverable by ISM shall be delivered upon the conclusion of the event and verification of your attendance. ISM reserves the right to substitute any promotion with equal or lesser value.

Cancellation of Certificates: Upon purchase, these courses are non-refundable.

Tax Deduction: The Internal Revenue Service may permit an income tax deduction to U.S. residents for expenses (including registration fees, travel costs, meals and lodging) incurred in pursuit of continuing professional education. Consult your tax adviser for details.



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