Course Details
Basics of Construction Purchasing
The session will help procurement and supply management professionals become familiar with terms, concepts and applications employed in the construction industry to build comfort in addressing and managing major high dollar and critical acquisitions for the organization. Construction, like Supply Management, has its own language and vocabulary. It’s hard to buy, manage or approve change orders in a contract if you do not understand what the contract is covering. Usually, we manage a large project by work packages which breaks the large project down into sequenced and costed activities. This session seeks to explain some of the major concepts, terminology and shows you how you can be more effective in purchasing a project which could dwarf a traditional inventory, equipment, services, raw materials and MRO expenditures combined on an annual spend. Many managers often bypass purchasing to manage a construction project; for a new plant, new office building, remodeling or mitigation effort from initial planning, pre-solicitation, acquisition and contract management assuming you are not technically degreed. (You need to be a sign off before the proposed project goes to the board for budget monies.) So, they give the project to the Architect and Engineering firm, or the General Contractor or the Prime Contractor to manage—none of whom are part of your company! It is estimated a construction project not managed by a Procurement or Supply Management Professional could encounter overruns as much as 7 to 11%. On a $50M project that could be as high as an additional $4-$5M in additional money. This session will provide you the skills and ability to do what you are the expert in: sourcing, qualification of contractors, developing the RFP, negotiation of the cost/price, delivery elements, review of the construction contract and managing the construction to a successful completion.
Member Price: $1,395.00

May 21-22, 2025
Additional Information
Prior to starting his own firm in 1991, William Agee, C.P.M., C.E.M, CMN, CPE, CPP, CPIM, SSBB, was a vice president in a large international management, consulting, and educational firm specializing in world class education, financial reviews and audits, procurement service, quality management, manufacturing and human resources. Agee has been involved in purchasing and materials management at various levels for over 30 years. His purchasing experience includes governmental (federal and state), wholesale, retail, service, industrial and manufacturing.
Previously, Agee was the Manager of Purchasing and Contract Administration at Allergen, Inc., a Fortune 300 corporation, which manufactures pharmaceutical and over-the-counter eye care products. While in residence, he also became familiar with the manufacturing and planning process for the 17 different lines of production both for their domestic operations as well as their international branches. Agee was also contracts manager for a large Department of Energy project where he oversaw the contracts development and management.
Additionally, Agee taught for Baylor University in the areas of purchasing and materials management. He developed a computerized purchasing simulation program entitled The Smart Buyer to provide realistic perspective of marketplace fluctuations and potential results. In addition, he has developed over 172 educational programs for organizations primarily focused in the areas of SCM, contracting and purchasing. He is the 2005 ISM Award Winner of the Howard W. Cosgrove Award for outstanding contribution to the profession.
Agee holds degrees in marketing and management. He is affiliated with many companies and organizations including the American Wholesale Marketers Associations, CIBA-Geigy, Allergen, Inc., American Contract Manufacturers Association (AMCON), The Fritz Company, Inc., Diamond Shamrock Corporation, Kodak, Medtronics Interventional Vascular. He is a CPE and CPP, both certified by the American Purchasing Society (APS) and a C.P.M. by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM). He has also been certified for the Certified Production and Inventory Manager by the American Society of Production and Inventory Control Society and Six Sigma Black Belt. In addition to being a speaker for ISM, he has held both local and national offices with the organization and has written several articles for leading purchasing and business publications.
What You Will Learn:
- The basics of successful construction acquisitions
- Set the solicitation up by contractor work packages-easier to manage and control cost and do a side-by-side comparison
- Understanding the varied types of construction
- Issues being faced in construction today and its impact on your firm; pricing, exaggerated lead times, inflation, shortage of skilled workers
- Creating the construction plan
- Procurement and Supply Management bottom-line contribution
- Hiring an OA or CM to manage the contract and mentor the team (these are on your side of the table)
- Advanced area of purchasing and contract skills
- Types of contracts employed in construction
- Bonds and insurance requirements
- Reason for a contractor’s financial review
- Review a construction contract
- Case examples and articles
Virtual Class Schedule:
Day 1 - 10:00 am ET - 1:30 pm ET / 7:00 am PT - 10:30 am PT (3.5 hours), Break for Lunch
Day 1 - 2:30 pm ET - 6:00 pm ET / 11:30 am PT - 3:00 pm PT (3.5 hours)
Day 2 - 10:00 am ET - 1:30 pm ET / 7:00 am PT - 10:30 am PT (3.5 hours), Break for Lunch
Day 2 - 2:30 pm ET - 6:00 pm ET / 11:30 am PT - 3:00 pm PT (3.5 hours)
Who Should Attend:
All procurement and supply management professionals such as purchasing, senior buyers, contract management purchasing managers, purchasing directors, contract administrators, project managers, and anyone involved in planning or budgeting for a construction project in the future.
Terms And Conditions
Virtual Learning Transferals: Registrations are transferable without any charge to another ISM Virtual Learning Course occurring within 12 months of the original purchase. Transferring registrations to another party are subject to price variance or change based on membership status and an additional $50 fee will be incurred.
Cancellations Virtual Learning: Cancellations more than 5 weeks before the date of the course will incur an administrative charge of 50 percent. Cancellation within 5 weeks of the date of the event will be charged the full fee. You must notify ISM in writing of a cancellation.
Tax Deduction: The Internal Revenue Service may permit an income tax deduction to U.S. residents for expenses (including registration fees, travel costs, meals and lodging) incurred in pursuit of continuing professional education. Consult your tax adviser for details.