We are excited to welcome you back to ISM World in Orlando!

Your well-being is important to us. While the situation keeps changing, we want to ensure we are taking proactive steps by implementing new guidelines and policies based on current CDC Guidelines, local public health guidance and the Rosen Shingle Creek protocols to help support a safe and comfortable experience. Our team is constantly reviewing the ISM World’s In-Person Health & Safety requirements and will continue to update our protocols as needed. Please make sure to continue checking this page for the most up-to-date information.



ISM World 2022 requires proof of full vaccination with a vaccine approved or authorized by the FDA or WHO, or proof of a negative antigen or PCR COVID-19 test for entry to the in-person event. We have partnered with ID.me (connected through the event mobile app) to ensure fast and easy vaccination and negative test verification. Antigen COVID-19 tests must be taken within 24 hours of entry to the event, and PCR COVID-19 tests must be taken within 72 hours of entry to the event. More information about convenient, safe and fast verification with ID.me and details regarding accepted COVID-19 vaccines and testing at ISM World 2022 will be released with the launch of the event mobile app (targeted for 6 weeks prior to conference).



We ask all those attending the in-person conference familiarize yourself with federal, state, and local laws, orders, directives, and guidelines related to the COVID-19, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on the Disease and acknowledge that you will comply with all such orders, directives, and guidelines while on at ISM World. You also acknowledge that you will also follow all instructions from ISM while attending the conference. If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (such as cough, shortness of breath, favor or other symptoms outlined by the CDC) you will not attend the conference. Please contact our Member Services team and we can work with you.



All individuals must wear a mask while attending ISM World. Masks may be removed only momentarily when actively eating, drinking or presenting on stage.



ISM has worked closely with the Rosen Shingle Creek to implement cleaning and sanitization standards that meet or exceed the recommendations of the CDC. It is the responsibility of everyone to maintain personal hygiene, including washing your hands frequently. We will provide hand sanitizing stations throughout the venue.



Please be aware of and respect the personal boundaries of your fellow attendees so that everyone can enjoy their time at the conference. We will do our best to provide seating layouts, directional signage and other tools to help.


Is ISM offering onsite testing?

We are looking into options to add the convenience of onsite testing. Please check back on this page for updates.

Will there be training or information on how to upload my vaccination or test results?

Yes, once we launch the event app, we will also provide details and training on how to use ID.me tool.

What if I don’t want to comply with the health and safety guidelines?

You can still participate in the fun and learning of ISM World by selecting the hybrid option. Now through March 4, 2022 we will transfer anyone who has already purchased registration for all-access or in-person only to hybrid and refund the difference.

Is my vaccination/health information safe?

ID.me is widely trusted by the federal government, financial, and healthcare establishments and is used by over 55 million Americans and 400 brands for verification, making them a natural partner for us. ID.me uses bank-grade security infrastructure and federally compliant information protection practices to safeguard your data. ISM does not have any access to your personal information and will only require you show your confirmation from your mobile phone when arriving at the conference. For more information on their data protection, click here.

How long is my vaccination/health data stored?

You control your information and can contact ID.me at anytime to request revoking data permission. Note that ID.me is used by many agencies and venues giving you the opportunity to have your information available for events outside of ISM World.