ISM Corporate Services – Group Training & Certification
Group Training & Certification
Team Training and Education to Meet the Rapidly Transforming Supply Chain Landscape
The tight labor market is impacting many professions and supply chain and procurement has not escaped the challenges of both finding and retaining top talent. With supply management organizations being tasked to be more strategic, fast and agile to adapt to changes in the marketplace, you need a partner that can adjust with you to help advance your team.
ISM offers flexible and dynamic training options from in-person to virtual environments and from self-paced to instructor-led delivery. Our gold-standard, modern designed courses can adjust to fit your team’s needs as well as challenging schedules.
Not sure where to start? ISM can work with you using our assessments to help identify skill gaps and adapt a training plan that meets your team where they are today so they can reach where you want them to be.
Connect with one of our Corporate Services team members to learn more.

We Invite You to Learn More
ISM® Supply Chain Capability Model and Assessment
Do you have a clear understanding of the skills and level of mastery your supply management organization possesses?
The ISM® Supply Chain Capability Model and Assessment is a comprehensive set of competency-based standards for high-performing supply management practitioners worldwide. The assessment delivers a web-based questionnaire to generate a complete picture of individual skill sets aligned to specific job roles. The assessment is designed to evaluate each designated employee in their specific role within your organization and identify gaps in core competencies.
An education roadmap is prepared that aligns courses with the job skills required to master supply management. ISM offers a complete catalog of both on-site classroom training and online learning options to accomplish your teams objectives.
Team Certification
ISM’s certification is a cornerstone to achieving excellence – the gold standard for training and expertise in the supply management industry. Utilizing a robust methodology and adhering to set standards, ISM Certification is created from the guidance of supply management professionals across industries, roles and experience levels. Certification for your team is an investment in your top talent that pays dividends to your organization. Whether you take advantage of the cost savings through our Corporate Program or want to focus simply on setting up a group certification program, we can assist you throughout the process—from certification exam prep study tools and instruction to group discounts on exams.
Group Training
Group training has never been more important than it is today. Keeping teams engaged and at the top of their profession is critical, allowing organizations to keep pace with rapid industry change. It allows teams to connect, speak the same language and together learn new skills.
Whether following your own education development plan or, driven by the insights from the ISM® Supply Chain Capability Model and Assessment, we provide an online or in-person training program that closes competency gaps.
Your ISM account manager can work with you to customize a learning roadmap tailored to your specific goals and objectives.
eLearning Catalog
ISM Self-paced eLearning courses can be purchased as part of an online catalog that gives your team access to more than 65+ courses with the most up-to-date supply management related content 24/7/365.
This provides a solution that can serve a global team or be catered to target a department or team. The advanced, modern design and delivery provides a platform that’s mobile friendly, interactive and easy-to-schedule into a busy professional’s calendar.