Build the Core Competencies You Need for Advancement and Success


Do you have the critical skills and knowledge needed to be a supply management master?

Supply management is more than just a profession. It is an integral part of the global economic network. 

With rapid advancement of the profession, individuals must quickly adapt to the changing landscape and continuously prepare for the next generation of job functions. For over 100 years, ISM has led the supply chain profession in education and certification utilizing a framework that captures the core competency areas of our work. We continuously update our education and certification materials to stay current with advancements across these critical competency and sub-competency areas.

ISM’s Mastery Model® serves as the framework for supply chain certification and education. Most important, it’s your roadmap to ensure you have the skills most critical to success and advancement as a supply management professional.

ISM® Supply Chain Capability Model – Core Competency Areas

The ISM® Supply Chain Capability model evaluates 16 core competencies and more than 70 sub-competencies in the following areas:

Grounded by experience and guided by real-world insight, the ISM® Supply Chain Capability Model was developed to assist the profession in achieving standardization. By creating a common language and defining core competencies, organizations and teams like yours, now have the resources needed to be successful. 

Assessment Levels

The model defines anticipated skill levels at four stages of career maturity. This allows your team to gauge level of proficiency from fundamental to mastery and gain to insights needed to build a professional development plan to positively impact your teams career success.

ISM Talent Capability Assessment Model

Ready to Become a Supply Chain Master?

     Explore Opportunities to Build Your Skills

Get CPSM® Certified

Certified Professional in Supply Management®

CPSM is globally recognized as the gold standard of excellence for supply management professionals. Created from in-depth analysis of supply management functions, this premier supply management training experience addresses the changing realities of supply management. By earning a CPSM designation, you will have obtained a supply management certification recognized worldwide that will set you apart from your peers.

Explore CPSM

Get CPSD® Certified

Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity®

The CPSD is one of the few certifications that exists in this growing and much-needed area of supply management. With a CPSD, you’ll have the knowledge and training to show an organization how supplier diversity can both meet requirements and improve the bottom line.

Explore CPSD


Increase Your Skills

ISM Training

ISM offers a variety of supply chain education opportunities – all with the goal of ensuring your career knowledge, success and advancement. Choose from a wide-range of virtual classroom courses, in-person seminars, guided learning programs, webinars and certification prep courses. Our annual ISM conference is the place to be as a supply management professional for a jam-packed schedule of in-depth, hands-on learning.

Explore Training

Bring to Your Organization

Corporate Program

The ISM® Supply Chain Assessment helps you understand your team’s strengths and skill gaps. Our team works with you to identify role types and levels, assign competency targets, and deliver the online assessment. At the end of the Assessment, you’ll receive a results report and we can help you create a plan for using Corporate Program resources to close skill gaps.

Explore Corporate Program

Gauge Your Team’s Talent Capabilities

ISM offers many in-depth skill assessments on a variety of disciplines across the Supply Chain Capability Model. 

Explore Assessments