ISM Member Online Community

Connect. Engage. Learn.

ISM members have a chance to access an online community benefit. This is another way members can connect, network, ask questions and share best practices to help them in their careers and strengthen the profession. Members will also have the opportunity to access the latest news, participate in polls and surveys, and more.


Watch the video above to explore all the features and benefits we offer, designed to help you connect, collaborate, and grow with fellow members.

Member Online Community Benefits



Sound off on hot topics, pose questions to your peers, and collaborate within the interactive online platform.


Polls & Surveys

Cast your vote through member polls and surveys and see the valuable results.


Latest News

Gain quick access to hot topic content and current news that impacts the supply management profession.



Get Started

To get started, simply log into your ISM account, navigate to the Member Community button at the top of the page, and join the conversation today.

Get Started