Free insights from the largest agrifood-focused price reporting agency

ISM members gain access to exclusive commodity market insights from Expana.

As an ISM member, you have access to market reports and analysis from Mintec, the leading global provider of commodity price data, along with thought-provoking and practical webinars with information that you can use today to help your organization succeed.

If you’re an ISM member, log in to get your exclusive membership benefit.

If you’re an ISM member, log in to get your exclusive membership benefit.

If you’re not yet an ISM member, join today!

In addition to Mintec’s ISM member-exclusive benefits, with membership, you’ll also have access to:

  • Member Monday emails full of useful member-exclusive resources, tools, templates and articles.
  • Monthly member-only webinars featuring subject matter experts presenting valuable, relevant topics within the profession.
  • Upgraded and personalized web-based member experience at, putting you in the driver’s seat to easily manage your ISM involvement.
  • Exclusive access to content through Inside Supply Management® magazine and trusted research with the.
  • Discounts on certification preparation and testing, annual conference registration, and more.


You can save nearly $4,000 annually on webinars, annual conference registration and certification preparation and testing. Additionally, membership is the most cost-effective and efficient path to keep current in your profession.

About Expana

About Expana

Expana emerges as the leader in providing comprehensive agrifood commodity market intelligence to businesses worldwide.

  • 28,000 price series across food and beyond.
  • 70 million+ data points.
  • Largest ISOCO assured agrifood PRA in the world

Their clients have full visibility of the whole supply chain, enabling businesses to manage volatility and improve margins.

For more than 200 years, they have built trust and credibility in the market through their deep specialist knowledge and constant innovation.

Mintec Analytics - Commodity Price Platform

The increasing complexity of supply chains, the choice of suppliers and the range of new food products means that the issues organizations face can easily lead to confusion and operational errors that threaten success.
Mintec data, analysis, forecasts and tools maximize efficiency and deliver critical inputs to stakeholders, adding measurable value to organizations.

View this video to see how it works.



Why use Expana powerful market intelligence?

Gain price clarity

Develop more competitive purchasing strategies and strengthen your negotiating power using our independent market price database.

Manage supply chain risk

Gain visibility on food price volatility and an understanding of primary cost drivers to assess supply chain impact and identify alternatives.

Be time efficient

View and retrieve data quickly. Automate complex modeling and analysis. Simplify and enhance data presentation and sharing.

Unlock actionable insights

Get a comprehensive view of the latest key category drivers beyond supply, demand fundamentals and macroeconomic factors. Access historic, current, and future price trends, and more.