Inside Supply Management Magazine

A New E-newsletter from ISM®

October 01, 2018

Welcome to Inside Supply Management® Weekly, an e-newsletter that brings the Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®) community timely, relevant and actionable information on procurement trends and issues, the economy and more.

On Tuesdays, we’ll send to your email inbox the most recent digital content by Inside Supply Management® staff and guest writers, among other features. Each issue has a theme:

The first week of the month focuses on one of the 16 competencies in the ISM Mastery Model®, a set of excellence standards for supply management practitioners and executives.

The second week focuses on the ISM® Report On Business® (ROB), one of the nation’s leading economic indicators. We’ll have information on the most recent releases of the Manufacturing (PMI®) and Non-Manufacturing (NMI®) indexes, as well as how procurement practitioners can use the ROB.

The third week is metrics week. Since early 2017, The Monthly Metric has been a regular feature on Inside Supply Management®’s blog. In each edition, we identify a metric that supply management professionals are using and define it, examine how it can help in your job and provide a case study or two.

The fourth week provides practical advice — information that readers can take away and immediately use in their organizations.

Also, we’ll highlight an interesting data figure or chart, a compelling quote, and provide links to supply management, logistics and economic news you should be aware of.

Now that Inside Supply Management® Weekly has directed you to our magazine’s blog, you are invited to stay a while. We have many good posts with timely and useful procurement information — from current and former staffers and guest writers — dating back to 2014.

If you are an ISM member and another link led you to this post, opt-in to ensure you never miss an issue of Inside Supply Management® Weekly. To do so, visit your “My Account” page at ISM’s website and select “Opt In/Out” on the left menu. Select “Edit” and make sure the “Newsletters” box is checked.

Finally, your involvement with Inside Supply Management® Weekly does not have to be only as a reader. We are always on the lookout for talented guest authors, and if you have supply management insights to share with others, please email me at or Sue Doerfler at